Workshop Proposals

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 4th February, 2022, 11:59PM PT
Notification of acceptance: 25th March, 2022
Workshop web page on-line: 8th April, 2022

Call for Proposals

Proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with ECCV 2022 are solicited that address clearly focused topics in all areas of computer vision. They should explore new, emergent research directions in computer vision, spotlight cross-disciplinary links with related fields and/or application areas, or review an established area, assessing the current state of the art, main challenges, and the road ahead.

Proposal Submission

Proposals should be submitted via CMT, at the following URL: They must use the latex template available here. Proposals failing to comply with the guidelines will be desk rejected. The template will require you to include the following information:

  • Workshop title and acronym
  • Proposers’ names, titles, affiliations and primary contact email
  • Preference for half- or full-day event and indicative breakdown of day
  • Short bio for each organizer, including pointers to relevant publications and any prior tutorial/educational experience
  • Description of how this proposal relates to previous workshops appearing at CVPR/ICCV/ECCV conferences in the previous two years
  • Workshop description that includes acceptable submission topics
  • Anticipated target audience as well as expected number of attendees
  • Outline of any competitions planned
  • Preference for a purely online workshop, in case the main event is hybrid
  • Plan to publish proceedings papers
  • Discussion on how diversity and inclusion will be addressed in the organization and presentations of the workshop.

The topic coverage, the proposers’ credentials, the interested audience, and relevance of the topic will all be considered in the selection process.

Workshop Logistics

ECCV 2022 workshop organizers are responsible for the scientific organization and advertising of the event. Particularly, they are in charge of constructing a web page and putting it on-line by 8th April. Logistics and financial aspects are handled by the ECCV 2022 organization. Workshop organizers can decide on their own deadlines for submission and reviews. However if they want the workshop papers to be included in the conference proceedings they must comply with the following rules:

  • The papers must be peer-reviewed
  • The papers must comply with the ECCV 2022 proceedings style, format and length
  • The deadline for camera ready submission must be before or the same as the main conference’s

Workshop Chairs

Leonid Karlinsky, IBM Research, Israel
Tomer Michaeli, Technion, Israel
Ko Nishino, Kyoto University, Japan

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